Page i (Introduction): For “The problem abstraction” read “The problem of abstraction.”


Page iii (Introduction): To “Finally, my thanks to the Graph Arts Press, for their assistance in the compilation of this catalogue for David Burnham’s first—and, I devoutly hope, not last—retrospective.


Albert Popper


April, 1983”


add “My further thanks to Graph Arts for delaying distribution long enough to enable me to append to the (evidently naive) text several corrections, the need for which was made manifest yesterday, two weeks prior to the opening of David Burnham’s first—and, I devoutly hope, last—retrospective.


Albert Popper


May, 1983”


Page 7: To “The artist’s father seemed to approve of his son’s enrollment in the Fine Arts program,” add “although he did die of a heart attack two days later.”


Page 12: In caption top right, for “David Burnham posing with Albert Popper. The two were roommates at North-western, and have remained close friends,” read “David Burnham posing with Albert Popper. The two were room mates at Northwestern.”


Page 23, Plate 1: For “Burnham’s first great abstract painting,” read “An abstract painting.”


Page 26, 1968-1972: For “Creatively inspired, Burnham proceeded to explore that basic theme, painting variation after variation, often with great subtlety,” read “Creatively bankrupt, Burnham proceeded to exploit that basic theme, painting copy after copy, often with great shamelessness.”


Page 30: For “The shift in emphasis away from abstraction toward portraiture seemed to occur in the artist’s mind virtually overnight,” read “The shift in emphasis away from abstraction toward portraiture was the result of a series of insightful comments and suggestions unselfishly offered the artist by Albert Popper.”