
Contact Us


Check our Submissions page for complete information on how and when to submit.

Manuscript Queries

Please allow six months for a response for fiction and nonfiction and six months for a response for poetry submissions. If, after that time, you have not heard back about your submission, call 212.343.1333, or send an email to [email protected]—be sure to write “Query” in the subject heading. Include your city, state, the approximate date when you sent your manuscript, and whether the piece was fiction or poetry.

Rights and Permissions

For reprint and licensing requests, please direct your email to [email protected].


If you are interested in an internship with The Paris Review, read about it here.


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Subscriptions and Online Orders

The Paris Review
PO Box 8524
Big Sandy, TX 75755-8524
tel: 866.354.0212

You can subscribe online here. Note that there may be a lag of up to one month between the date you placed your subscription order and the date you receive your first issue. If you have a question about your order, please call our customer service number at 866.354.0212 (for domestic) or 903.636.1118 (for Canada and international), or send an email to [email protected]. If possible, include in your query the invoice number, the date on which you placed the order, what the order was for, and your name and address.

For questions about or to make changes to your subscription, please visit our customer care pages. Or call our customer service number at 866.354.0212 (for domestic) or 903.636.1118 (for Canada and international).