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Lydia Davis in Paris, 1973.
This week at The Paris Review, we’re reading archive pieces written by contributors to the Summer 2019 issue. Read Lydia Davis’s Art of Fiction interview, as well as Richard Ford’s short story “Shooting the Rest Area” and Ishion Hutchinson’s poem “A Horace to Horace.”
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Lydia Davis, Art of Fiction No. 227 Issue no. 212 (Spring 2015)
Back in the early eighties, I realized that you could write a story that was really just a narration of something that had happened to you, and change it slightly, without having really to fictionalize it. In a way, that’s found material.
Shooting the Rest Area By Richard Ford Issue no. 62 (Summer 1975)
In the dark Edgar Haney walked from his truck and turned up the sidewalk to the cafe. It was an hour before light, and he shuddered inside his coat as the cold touched his flesh. And this is the thing that came to him. That in 1937, they had a black Mercury and his father had a heart attack and couldn’t call on his jobbers. So his mother drove.
A Horace to Horace By Ishion Hutchinson Issue no. 224 (Spring 2018)
Lost causes confound. Where are you, cousin, since you swung upside down the iron gate outside school? The earth is your sky—correct me, was. I blame the missionaries …
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