
Ludmilla Petrushevskaya, Fabulist and Fabulous Singer


Inside the Issue

Ludmilla Petrushevskaya. Photo: Anastasia Kazakova. © Anastasia Kazakova.

Ludmilla Petrushevskaya’s bio describes her as “a world-renowned writer and singer.” We were aware of the former—her story “Two Sisters” appears in the new Winter issue—but knew nothing of the latter. We decided to investigate. On the page, Petrushevskaya is sneaky and brilliant. Onstage, she sings cabaret songs, wears big hats, and saunters about like Cruella de Vil. Below, join us on a journey into the annals of Russian YouTube as we explore the musical career of one of Russia’s greatest living writers (with occasional comments from her fans).


Старушка не спеша дорогу перешла – Л. Петрушевская 2010 HD (The old woman slowly crossed the road – L. Petrushevskaya 2010 HD)

“Патрушевской браво. Давно не испытывал такого восторга.” (“Petrushevskaya bravo. I have not experienced such delight for a long time.”) —Witaly123 


петрушевская поет “Ли Ли Марлен” (Petrushevskaya sings “Lee Lee Marlene”)

“мой муж француз так и не понял на каком языке поет певица ,хотя слушал несколько раз” (“my husband, a Frenchman, did not understand in what language the singer sings, although he listened several times”) —Krotevich Gala


22.05.2017 – “Рождённые в СССР”//Людмила Петрушевская (05/22/2017 – “Born in the USSR” // Lyudmila Petrushevskaya)

“Искала в передаче На ночь глядя , нет… Нашла это! Люблю!” (“I was looking in the transfer At night looking, no … Found it! Love”) —Gala Romina

Translated from the Russian by Google Translate