Sing it, pal.
A few months ago, we published Thomas Mallon’s introduction to John O’Hara’s Pal Joey, which turns seventy-five this year. “I sense that O’Hara’s moment for a really breakout revival,” Mallon writes, “may at last be upon us”:
Joey’s is an American voice from the second act of the American century, a time when the country’s wisecracks and slang, thanks to movies and even to books, wrapped themselves around the thoughts and vocal cords of half the world. O’Hara had the upwardly mobile luck to be in possession of the best ear anybody had for catching and transmitting the national lingo.
The new Penguin Classics edition is out this week, and we’re celebrating by giving three copies away. Anyone who retweets the message below is eligible to win; we’ll select three names at random.
Retweet for your chance to win a free copy of John O’Hara’s “Pal Joey.” @PenguinClassics — The Paris Review (@parisreview) January 13, 2016
Retweet for your chance to win a free copy of John O’Hara’s “Pal Joey.” @PenguinClassics
— The Paris Review (@parisreview) January 13, 2016
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