
Letters & Essays: 1980s

Letters & Essays of the Day


By Sarah Manguso

For years I could barely write a page. I thought I was becoming a virtuoso of smallness while the grief, which is wordless, occupied an ever-greater volume.

My friend lived in the estates on the bad side of town. Let’s go to the forest, she said when I went over to play. There were three trees in the yard, but if you know where to stand, you can get lost in a forest of three trees. She could do it. She had to. Her mother died when we were nine.

Literary Happenings: China: An Interview with Dong Leshan, Part Two

By Timothy Tung

The interest in the feature entitled “China: Literary Happenings,” which appeared in the last issue of The Paris Review, has been such that the magazine has asked Timothy Tung, who collected the material, to put additional questions to Dong Leshan whose short story, "The Topsy-Turvy World of Professor Fu,” was featured. Dong, who is a visiting scholar at Cornell University, had been asked a number of questions about his story and the current state of writing and publishing in today’s China. What follows is an extension to those remarks.