October 12, 2012 Video & Multimedia Listen: Sylvia Plath Reads “Daddy” By Sadie Stein In honor of “Daddy”’s fiftieth birthday, listen to the author herself read.
August 24, 2012 Video & Multimedia Watch: Nicholson Baker Sings About Jeju Island By Sadie Stein Nicholson Baker has written a song about Jeju Island. Watch it here: He writes: Jeju Island, a Unesco World Heritage site, full of wonders of nature—called the Island of Peace by South Korea’s former presiden—is now the locus of a large and controversial military construction project. The South Korean government is building a base there, which will be used by the United States to house missiles, submarines, and aircraft carriers, with which to “project force” against China. Samsung is the contractor. This is folly and should be stopped.
August 14, 2012 Video & Multimedia Watch: At the Bindery By Sadie Stein As we prepare to send our next issue to press, a reader kindly reminded us of this blast from the past: Reading Rainbow’s field trip to a book bindery! Warning: the stirring theme will be stuck in your head for hours. [tweetbutton] [facebook_ilike]
July 26, 2012 Video & Multimedia Watch: Kipling on Truth in Writing, 1933 By Sadie Stein We are grateful to Open Culture for drawing our attention to this rare film of Rudyard Kipling. From 1933, it shows the sixty-seven-year-old author giving a speech to the Royal Society of Literature (and guests from the Canadian Authors’ Association) at Claridge’s. “We who use words enjoy a peculiar privilege over our fellows,” observes the voice of the (already-fading) British Empire. [tweetbutton] [facebook_ilike]
July 18, 2012 Video & Multimedia Watch: The Mosaic Man of the East Village By Sadie Stein Chances are, anyone who has spent any time in Manhattan’s East Village is familiar with the work of Jim Power, aka “The Mosaic Man.” For the past three decades, Power has been on a single-handed quest to beautify an area which, when he started decorating lampposts with beautiful tile work, was far from salubrious. Despite twenty years of homelessness and the city’s destruction of some of his lampposts, Jim has remained undeterred and is a beloved fixture of the neighborhood. Etsy—with whom Power now has a shop—pays tribute with a video. Jim Power and the Mosaic Trail from Etsy on Vimeo. [tweetbutton] [facebook_ilike]
July 18, 2012 Video & Multimedia Watch: Interpublication Sexytimes By Noah Wunsch THE MAGAZINE MAGAZINES FANTASIZE ABOUT from The Paris Review on Vimeo. Story by Noah Wunsch Video by Carib Guerra & Noah Wunsch Special thanks to Eamon Kelly [tweetbutton] [facebook_ilike]