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This week, we bring you more selections by some of the women featured in Women at Work Volume Two: Doris Lessing’s 1988 Art of Fiction interview, Jeanette Winterson’s short story “The Lives of Saints,” and May Sarton’s poem “Coming into Eighty.”
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Doris Lessing, The Art of Fiction No. 102 Issue no. 106 (Spring 1988)
When I was bringing up a child I taught myself to write in very short concentrated bursts. If I had a weekend, or a week, I’d do unbelievable amounts of work. Now those habits tend to be ingrained. In fact, I’d do much better if I could go more slowly. But it’s a habit. I’ve noticed that most women write like that, whereas Graham Greene, I understand, writes two hundred perfect words every day! So I’m told!
The Lives of Saints By Jeanette Winterson Issue no. 128 (Fall 1993)
That day we saw three Jews in full-length black coats and black hats standing on identical stools looking into the funnel of a pasta machine. One stepped down from his little stool and went to the front where the pasta was stretching out in orange strands. He took two strands and held them up high so that they dropped against his coat. He looked like he’d been decorated with medal ribbon. They bought the machine. The Italian boys in T-shirts carried it to the truck.
Coming into Eighty By May Sarton Issue no. 123 (Summer 1992)
Coming into eighty I slow my ship down For a safe landing. It has been battered, One sail torn, the rudder Sometimes wobbly. We are hardly a glorious sight. It has been a long voyage Through time, travail and triumph, Eighty years Of learning what to be And how to become it …
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