Left: Alex Webb, Havana, Cuba. Right:Rebecca Norris Webb, Havana, Cuba. © Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb
In Slant Rhymes, published in August, photographers Rebecca Norris Webb and Alex Webb paired eighty images taken over the course of their nearly thirty-year relationship. The photographs appear side by side—one of Alex’s, one of Rebecca’s—to create “a series of visual rhymes that talk to one another—often at a ‘slant’ and in intriguing and revealing ways.” Below, a selection, with locales ranging from Cuba to India to Indiana, the rhymes bridging the geographic spans.
Left: Havana, Cuba A.W. Right: Near Gray Goose, South Dakota, R.N.W. © Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb
Left: Caibarien, Cuba R.N.W. Right: Alappuzha, India A.W. © Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb
Left: Indianapolis, Indiana A.W. Right: Rush Country, Indiana R.N.W. © Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb
Left: Near Hermosa, South Dakota R.N.W. Right: Allahabad, India A.W. © Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb
Left: Paris, France R.N.W. Right: Tehuantepec, Mexico A.W. © Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb
Left: Rush County, Indiana R.N.W. Right: Ayvazlilar, Azerbaijan A.W. © Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb
Left: Havana, Cuba A.W. Right: Havana, Cuba R.N.W. © Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb
Rebecca Norris Webb, originally a poet, often interweaves her text and photographs in her books, most notably in the monograph, My Dakota. She was the subject of a solo exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art in 2015, and her photography has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, and Le Monde, among other publications.
Alex Webb has published sixteen books, including The Suffering of Light, a survey of thirty years of color work. He has shown his work at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; the High Museum of Art, Atlanta; and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Webb has been a Magnum Photos member since 1979, and his photography has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, and other publications.
Excerpted from Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb: Slant Rhymes, published by La Fabrica, 2017. © La Fabrica”
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