Peter Howson, The Heroic Dosser, 1988, screen print, 55 ¾” x 42 ¼”.
A survey of the Scottish artist Peter Howson’s prints, spanning decades of his work, opened today at Flowers Gallery in London. “I had nothing at all in 1984, nothing,” Howson said in a 2013 interview:
I didn’t have a penny. I was homeless for a year in Glasgow—I lived on the streets—and then suddenly I met this woman and she took me home and said: “Look, why don’t you just start drawing again.” So I started drawing and about a year later everything changed, the whole thing blew up and it was all about money coming in and fame and whatever, and then it all went wrong again. Theoretically, I shouldn’t be here because I’ve nearly died so many times, either with overdoses or with fights or violence or whatever, but I’m still here. There must be a reason for it.
Au Bar II, 1990, monoprint, 53 ¼” x 32″.
Man with Cigarette, 1982, lithograph, 24 ⅝” x 21 ⅛”.
Suppertime, 1987, monotype, 46 ½” x 35 ½”.
Prince Regent, 1998, drypoint, 19 ¾” x 17 ¾”.
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