Poem of the Day
hand-to-hand pass
By Simone White
while the palms touch and digits suggestively link
so movement of the hands of each
does occur
while the palms touch and digits suggestively link
so movement of the hands of each
does occur
In zigzagging overhead cables
strung with ornaments,
in trash, in residual playbills
for holiday events,
in rain and the silver unsplendid
ghost of a winter sun,
sorrow for something ended.
Pack it up, boys; we’re done.
in a huff,
I missed,
the moral of
a dancer, the Eve
of all such, ever,
Bright scab of track.
Bright stitch each train
rips out. In negative
degrees, metal cowers
as if a god had threatened
to curse it,
Rembrandt, 63
The surprise always
something has not abandoned us,
the way, standing there, another’s
expression as you realize
When my right hand—
When the hand that had been mine—
When I found that hand
curling inward stayed
protestations meant nothing; prayers.
Thinking, not thinking—
exhaustion follows hard labor
also profligacy
strong wind breaks even the mightiest bow
and lots of us twigs on the way
even the most difficult path
is a beginning
every lie’s a kind of truth
truth is never sincere
Key: A Aries, T Taurus, G Gemini, C Cancer, L Leo, V Virgo, Li Libra, S Scorpio,
Sa Sagittarius, Ca Capricorn, Aq Aquarius, P Pisces. Each section covers one year,
then rotates.
A2019, T2020, G2021, C2022, L2023, V2024, Li2025, S2026, Sa2027, Ca2028, Aq2029, P2030
Anticipated reversals occur in unanticipated locations: avoid planar surfaces. As Saturn and Pluto come into alignment, prepare for irrepressible nostalgia. Casual attachments provide a medley of diversions from long-term fantasies. Mix of sulfur and magnesium is at its height on the twelfth and twenty-ninth: stay clear of disarticulating headwinds while remaining open to miscalibrated address. Seek pine- and coconut-flavored dishes. Preferred alcohol: Anisette (neat).
In the middle of making love, he coiled
a handful of my hair around his fist and wrenched
my head up off the bed, cocked it to force
my gaze down to where his body entered.
The rats want what we have. They come at night and scratch
in the kitchen, the pantry, looking for a way in. Most nights
they only get at the bin below the sink. Leave them alone,
North says, but I keep jamming steel wool into cracks. Our
place is saggy plywood shelves, couches found on corners,
tables made from crates and pallets—whatever we can’t push
in our sales. We’re not actually moving, but we throw a
moving sale every couple months. Fuck a yard sale. A moving
sale makes people hungry.
The Grand Am’s window rolled down
but it was too dark out to see in:
a hand waved me over, a voice asked
if I wanted to make some quick cash
standing right where I was standing
for the next ten minutes, simple as that.
Just stand here? I said. Simple as that,
the voice said, and the hand stretched out