
Simone Leigh, Paris Review, 2024. Photograph courtesy of Jean Vong, © Simone Leigh and Burnet Editions.
Visit Booth B15 at this year’s IFPDA Print Fair—the largest international art fair dedicated to prints and printmaking—to view select editions from the Paris Review Print Series. Works on display will include recent contributions to the series by Simone Leigh, John Currin, and Sam McKinniss, along with numerous vintage prints from as early as 1965.
About The Paris Review Print Series
In 1965, The Paris Review launched a series of prints by major contemporary artists. Underwritten by Drue Heinz, the series was designed to encourage works in the print medium while also publicizing and providing financial support for the magazine. Largely through the efforts of Jane Wilson, who was chosen by George Plimpton to direct the program, twenty-three artists were persuaded to donate signed and limited editions of original work. Among the initial contributors were Helen Frankenthaler, Ellsworth Kelly, Robert Motherwell, and Andy Warhol.
Relaunched in 2022, the Paris Review Print Series has grown to include the work of more than sixty artists and has garnered consistent critical acclaim. Over the years, the Museum of Modern Art has purchased over two dozen editions for its permanent collection, and the series has been exhibited at galleries in New York and Paris, as well as in many other American and European cities.
All proceeds benefit the Paris Review Foundation, a 501(c)(3). View the full collection at