The Feminine Heroic
Megan Mayhew Bergman’s column is about naturalism. This week, she discusses how women, often excluded from adventure narratives, create their own heroic space.
Megan Mayhew Bergman’s column is about naturalism. This week, she discusses how women, often excluded from adventure narratives, create their own heroic space.
Birds bring us news, emblemize freedom, evoke elusiveness and beauty. And to me they are also a barometer of environmental health. As birds go, so do we.
George Michael wasn’t concerned with the way one ought to be but how one really is.
In poetry, traditional elegies move through three stages: lament, praise, and solace. But what solace can be found in a dying planet?
Using Susan Sontag to consider the American devotion to lawn culture. Enjoy Nature! I am glad to say that I have entirely lost that faculty … My own experience is that the more we study Art, the less we care for Nature. What Art really reveals to…
Our newest correspondent is Megan Mayhew Bergman, who will be writing about naturalism. For her first piece she considers the writer Alan Watts and the “age of environmental anxiety.”For the others, like me, there is only the flash
Of negative knowled…