Timmy and Mark Rothko are walking east on 86th Street, two more white kids playing black. Fucking crazy. They are both wearing FUBU (For Us By Us) with their Timberland boots, sizes nine and ten respectively. Timmy is the brains of the operation, as it were. Mark Rothko is the muscle. Timmy is tremendously fat. He has man boobies, but they are concealed under his wife beater and all of his designer clothing. Mark Rothko dresses the same way.

Mark Rothko is called Mark Rothko because at his first school, on a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, he shoved another kid into the real Mark Rothko’s Untitled (Number 12). The huge painting came down on the kid, and both kid and painting had to be restored. And some other wiseass on the field trip started calling Mark Rothko as Mark Rothko and it stuck. Mark Rothko was kicked out of that school. Then a couple of other schools. He had no idea who the real Mark Rothko was (“some painter dude”), but he liked the name. Timmy knows him by no ot…