
Our Books Lack Feelings, and Other News


On the Shelf


  • Over at Ploughshares, an interview with book artist Melissa Jay Craig.
  • Putting his money where his mouth is, so to speak, writer Tom Bissell has written a video game, Gears of War: Judgment, the fourth in a military sci-fi series. This trend has endless possibilities. (Cue Joyce Carol Oates for Xbox 360.)
  • An algorithm finds that the emotional content of books is on the decline. (Although there’s probably more sex.)
  • Conversely! “Morn shows that he was not immune to the forces that had so dramatically acted upon his father, though his own political convictions would thrive within the rococo folds of his language.” Two new books allow us to see a new, less detached side of Nabokov. 
  • Horror writer James Herbert has died, at sixty-nine.