
Handsome Crooks, Crooked Reviewers


On the Shelf

  • Meet “ridiculously photogenic 19th century NZ criminal” Daniel Tohill.
  • “Wanted — literate, artful writers who can post five-star reviews of some books on Pay is fifteen dollars firm for fifty to a hundred words of high praise with some specifics about the book that will appeal to potential readers.”
  • The most-challenged books of 2012: newcomer Fifty Shades of Grey joins old favorites like witchcraft-mongering Harry Potter and Slaughterhouse Five.
  • Gary Shteyngart: “You, American Airlines, should no longer be flying across the Atlantic. You do not have the know-how. You do not have the equipment. And your employees have clearly lost interest in the endeavor.”
  • Wes Anderson presents an animation of the fictional books from Moonrise Kingdom.
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