
Here Is Hemingway Getting Married, and Other News


On the Shelf


  • Flavorwire has outdone itself with this slideshow of authors’ wedding pictures. (Yup: that’s Hemingway and Hadley.)
  • R.I.P. Nook—we hardly knew ya. (Which is, I suppose, the problem.)
  • Reports of Leonard Cohen’s death, on the other hand, are greatly exaggerated.
  • Beginning tomorrow, the Royal Shakespeare Company will begin tweeting out playwright Mark Ravenhill’s version of Candide. If this is the best of possible worlds, what, then, are the others?
  • At Bookish, an exclusive peek into a day in the life of editor Amy Einhorn.
  • Jane Austen may (or may not) replace Charles Darwin on the £10 note. She is, says Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King, “quietly waiting in the wings,” presumably for a spectacular, 42nd Street–style star turn that delights creationists the world over!